It's been almost two months (53 days to be exact.) since Clifford's War was first published. What a ride it's been!!
If I have learned one thing about this process: Promoting is a full-time second job!
It also cannot be successful without fans!
I could write the best book in the world, but if no one cares enough to share, not many people will read it.
Because of that, I want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who has helped like, share, review, reblog, and promote Clifford's War. This stuff is just as important as me writing it, to make it a success. By supporting it, the story becomes part of you and your journey.
It's your story as much as it's mine. Never forget that.
Happy Reading!
Truer words cn never be said. I enjoy writing Mystery and Westerns. My first mystery 'Regardless of The Consequences' just came out as an e-book and I hope to release the print copy in September. Setting up an author web page and having to get into the marketing is a whole new game. I look forward to reading some of your short stories. L.D.Lauritzen